Scout-Leaders, 4H Leaders, and Venturers --
We're getting back into things now that Winter is over. We are scheduling the Boy Scout /4H Troop Shoot & Shotgun Merit Badge Workshop for Saturday 4 APR. Our rain date is 11 APR.
We'll be offering the Shotgun Merit Badge again for the kids that shoot well-
enough to qualify and have accomplished the other criteria (see the
attached BSA MB Worksheet:
BSA Shotgun MB Requirements - Get more Business Documents ). We'll have some Blue Cards, but please try to come
with Blue Cards already filled-out, if possible. Note that our shooting qualification
criteria will be 12+ hits out of 25 targets
The day's activities will be planned the same way as in last Fall's event:
Working, cleaning & painting 0900-1200 *
Eating lunch 1200-1300
Shooting 1300 until we're all finished shooting
*As was done last year, kids who show-up by 0900 to help spiff-up the range will
get their lunch at no cost and will also be provided with 25 rounds of free ammo.
If kids cannot make the work-time, they can still show-up at 1300 to shoot, but must
provide their own target ammo (limited amounts of ammo will also be available for purchase).
-- Please note and comply with all regulations regarding taking firearms onto NAS
PAX River. Contact the Base Police if you have ANY questions in this regard.
-- We will at least have a 20ga semi-auto and 12ga pumps as loaner guns, if needed.
As this event will be held on-base at the NAS PAX River Trap & Skeet Range, we will need everyone coming onto the base for this event to sign-up via the attached sheet
PAX Skeet Range Base Access List - Get more Business Documents in order to gain base-access.
Even if you already have base access privelige, this form is still needed to identify how many
shooters/participants we should be expecting. We will need this completed form e-mailed to us at least a week ahead of the shoot-date.
-- Note that time- and space-constraints may limit the number of shooters/participants. If this
unlikely event occurs, space will be allocated on a first-come/first-served basis. If anyone is
deferred for this reason, we'll do our best to arrange a follow-up event to accommodate them.
If any questions arise, please contact either:
John Mountjoy, (240) 298-1050,
Dominic Scaduto, (301) 757-4347 Desk, (240) 577-3186 Cell
8 years ago