A BSA-sponsored club devoted to the safe and responsible participation in the shooting sports. Contact mountjoyjw@yahoo.com or d.stansfield@verizon.net for more information.
Saturday 12 DEC-- Completion of NRA Basic Shotgun Class & BSA Merit-badge Workshop - 0900-?. On-Board NAS PAX River MD (e-mail with personal info NLT 08DEC for base-access). Call (240) 298-1050 / mountjoyjw@yahoo.com for information/coordination.
Sunday 06 SEP 2009. -- Smallbore-Rifle Open-Practice / Prep for State Match. Meet at SLSC Front-Gate @ 0830. We will be shooting at the Pistol Pits & possibly the Bullseye Pistol Range. Call (240) 298-1050 / mountjoyjw@yahoo.com for information/coordination.
Rained-Out on 22 AUG 2009. Re-scheduled for Sunday 30 AUG 2009. -- NRA Basic Rifle Class. SLSC Pistol Pits @ 0830. Call (240) 298-1050 / mountjoyjw@yahoo.com for information/coordination.
13 AUG 2009 -- Thursday @ 6 PM - ~0830 PM. Venture-Crew rifle practice at SLSC Pistol-Pits. Call (240) 298-1050 / mountjoyjw@yahoo.com for information/coordination.
Small-L libertarian, Freedom-Loving and Gun-Clinging Aerospace & Mechanical Engineer who is in the final stages of being assimilated by the BORG of the Federal Bureaucracy.