Wednesday, November 26, 2008

BSA Troop 427 Basic Rifle Class

This Troop recently participated in an NRA Basic Rifle Class / BSA Merit-Badge workshop that was sponsored by the Venture Crew:

At the Range

Youth Students & Instructors at the Court of Honor

Despite a veritable monsoon in the middle of the day, we got through the event with everyone earning their Merit Badges and NRA medals/patches:

Youth and adult participants were as follows:
Brian Windsor
Eddie Windsor
Tom Grzywacz
Zack Grzywacz
Aaron Paules
Zachary Paules
Mike Harvey
Chris Reed
Trent Herzog
Scott Paules
Marc St. Laurent
Todd St. Laurent
Franz Kury
Adam Kury
Scott Herzog
Instructors were Don Howd and John Mountjoy

The instructors felt great after getting the following comment from one of the Dads:

Thank you for your time this weekend. Although the rain dampened things a bit, the scouts had a good time. My son (the Troop's Senior Patrol Leader) had shot at summer camps twice before and did not qualify for the merit badge either time. I just got back from travel last night so was unable to participate myself but, upon my return, my son could not stop talking about the great time he had at the shoot fest. Thanks for organizing this, I think with the great reviews we'll have more boys participating next time they get a chance. This reflects well upon the Venture Crew, you guys, and your efforts also.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Base Access Form for Trap & Skeet-Shooting

Click here to gain access to this file.

Please send the completed form(s) to me at least 3 days before the shooting event.

Shotgun Merit-Badge Class Rained-Out

The Shotgun Merit-Badge class was canceled this week-end due to heavy rains.

We will re-schedule for the near-future and will announce to all.

This class will be on-base at the Trap & Skeet Range -- NOT at Sanner's Lake.

Black-Powder Shoot

Here's a photo from our recent Black-powder Shoot:

The kids (and adults) had a great time and were exposed to a WIDE range of muzzleloading rifles.

Thanks much to Jim & June McWhirt and the SLSC BP Shooters.